Sorry to start another thread today but I have a wierd question.
My computer usually uses less that 10% of the CPU when I’m just running a couple programs. Now it’s goin anywhere from 35% to 50% and all I have open is AIM, Kazaa, and IE… so is there anything that would all of a sudden just break my computer like that? I haven’t installed anything recently or anything. No clue what’s goin on, hoping one of you guys might.
adware/spyware maybe
also, my wmp 9 doesn’t work very well and eats up 95 percent cpu or so until i ctrl alt del it and close the process (even after the prog itself is closed)
hm hm my bro’s been having the same problem…he never told me that he keeps kazaa open tho, but then again he doesnt normally tell me everything unless i ask.
(btw grim, couldn’t help but notice that you are reaching your 1337 post…)
I had a similar problem… although my CPu was like 70-100 :beam: and it came out it was MSN messenger that di this, I reinstalled and got rid of the problem and the next day it was back but not in the form of MSN messenger… I scanned with everything, found a couple of viruses and stuff and now it’s ok but a good way to determine what’s doing it is
close all programs, open up task manager and start ending processes one by one while checking the CPU usage after you end one (end unknown ones before ;))