Ok so last night, I went out with my housemates to the Student Union bar here at Salford. All was good, getting fairly drunk (not a particularly good night but it was alright).
Anyway, we got home at like 2:30am, and one of my housemates had OD’d on Ecstasy. Apparently he had like 3 pills in the space of a few hours. He was completely out of it, lying on the floor of the girls house next door, shaking his head from side to side. In the end, I called an Ambulance and he was taken to hospital (this was at about 4am). His pupils (in his eyes) were huge, when the paramedics arrived one of them said, ‘What do his pupils look like?’ and the other said ‘As big as 10p pieces!’.
A few of the girls went with him but it turned out to be a waste of time as he didn’t even see a doctor and was discharged within a few hours (arriving back here at about 5am), although he seemed perfectly fine when he got back, even seemed sober.
Crazy night, most of us have barely slept.