Drunk at college

Well I went to c a pinkf loyd tribute band last nite, they were awesome if any1 gets the chance to go c off the wall go there really good. So i was havina few pints as u do, then it turned into a few more pints. Anyway, I kinda forgot about college 2day so im sat still drunk, tryin to keep my eyes open Anyone had the same experience with the wonderful world of alcohol


Yes… Last time I went to a Placebo gig, that turned into an all nighter round a mate’s house in Tooting. I think I got through the next day at work by drinking lots of very strong coffee and sitting quietly in a corner. :stuck_out_tongue:

Heheh i am in that experience now!!, went out for a few drinks last nite, but that turned into alot and then i went to a club and my memory fades there… now i am at work and feel kinda like dying :hangover:. I am sittin quietly in my corner …

The worst one ever had to be at a club in Maidstone where a mate works as a barman. We’d order a round of drinks and he’d only charge us for one beer or something.

It’s amazing how quickly we ended up drunk.

What am I saying? No it’s not. :stuck_out_tongue:

i was out last nigh and have only had 2 hours sleep. A certain lady friend covered me in glitter last night (it rubbed off her). and as hard as i tried this morning to scrub it off, i still have glitter on me.

People in the office are starting to make comments about me now. grr!

Heheh sounds like u had a ermm eventful good nite orange :slight_smile: I just hope your name ain’t Garry lol

Hawaii was that way all the time, every nite…

My caffe’ closed at 1 AM, and you could drink until 2, and my fav barstool was 50 ft away from the back door of my caffe’.

When the bartender saw my door close (it was an outdoor bar), he chased the guy off of my barstool and started pouring double vodka on the rocks… Then, about 2 or 3 times a week we would drop the canvas (no walls) and party inside for free until the sun came up at 6 …

I then went to work at 12:30 PM the same day, worked until around 1 AM, eating lunch on the run…

I had to leave… that island almost killed me (a girl helped)…


*Originally posted by Lunar_4u *
**Heheh sounds like u had a ermm eventful good nite orange :slight_smile: I just hope your name ain’t Garry lol **

heh, it was a good night :love:. shame about the glitter though.

My name is Olly by the way :beam:

REV: i have GOT to go there sometime in my life.

What place did you work at? I am gona go there and try to get free food! “I’l tell em I know you!” lol j/k :stuck_out_tongue:

It closed…

It was at the Aloha Tower (right across the street from my apt), and the bar was the Pier Bar (don’t know if it is still around)…

Don’t tell them you know me, they will charge you twice normal… I didn’t leave that island with anyone crying that I left… I still have a very good friend who lives in Kaneohe, but I met him over here years before both of us moved to Hawaii, and he never moved (he owns property… lots o property)…



Pier Bar still there… I think…lol!

had a lot of fun there…

had too much fun there… I was just too old to start that life again…

If you know the Pier Bar, then you know where my Caffe’ was…
50 feet away…


Hehe, there are some days in the year when half of my school is drunken…
We have a really big festival in the next bigger city and everyone get’s drunken. And this is the most fun time in school for everyone. Especially when you are not drunken. It is hillarios. But most time I’m drunken too, so… :slight_smile:

I remember barfing up a fence…

Was that painful? Because I would have just thrown up <i>on</i> the fence, myself.

Although I am proud to say that never once have I been sick because of too much alcohol. :beam:

If only because I tend to pass out before I get to that stage… :stuck_out_tongue:

Hehe, I have never passed out ever :slight_smile: proud

But 2 friends of mine had to go to the hospital because they were so drunk. I mean they had to be brought :slight_smile:

i did all the boozin in high school and the first year of college. which is good, cuz i got it outta my system early, which gives me time now to do nothing but work constantly and try to keep up with the horrendous workload i get at this darn art school.

here’s a totally funny drunk story though. i used to live in the sticks, so when we partied it was either at someone’s house, or in a feild, or a lot of times at one of the firehouses, (cuz a few of the guys were volunteers there). one night i got so plastered at this house party and then we went over to the firehouse to shoot some pool and hang out a bit. well, i had to go to the bathroom, so i left the group down this dark hall in search of the can. i found the girl’s room, and tried to go in. the way it was set up is that you walk in, and there is a wall divider in front of you so you have to turn right to actually get into the BR. well, i was so messed up that i walked right into the wall and fell down. i thought that maybe they were doing renovations or soemthing. so i turned aorund back into tha hallway, crossed to the boy’s room (exact opposite of the girls room) walked in, hit the wall, and fell. this happend a whole bunch of times. back and forth between the boy’s room and girls room. that’s probably the stupidest i ever was drunk. lol. cept that time in philly when we were havin a roof party and i decided to get naked and sing “the selebration of the lizard” by the doors. hahah

This is me when I’m drunken. It is so funny to see, I try so hard to hold my eyes open :slight_smile:

And again me drunken :beam:

anyone wanna see me drunk? i can scan a pic