hi, please help me. How to duplicate movieclip from external *.txt file. For example, if the *.txt file contain string “2”, then the MovieClip will duplicate into “2” instance. thanx :pleased:
do you mean you want to load a text file into flash and then duplicate a movie clip as many times as the variable in the text file indicates?
if so in your text file put
and save it as vars.txt
then in flash use
//create a LoadVars
variables = new LoadVars();
//create the function that will execute when all the data is loaded in
variables.onLoad = function() {
//loop the following actions as many times as the numberOfMCs var in the txt document dictates
for (i=1; i<=variables.numberOfMCs; i++) {
//duplicate the movie clip, giving it a new name and new depth
duplicateMovieClip("nameOfOriginalMovieClip", "nameOfOriginalMovieClip"+i, i);
//ok so now actually load the data
thanx mathew. But if i want to put each duplicated movie clip to different positions, how the action script can modificate?
thanx 4 all helps.
duplicateMovieClip(“nameOfOriginalMovieClip”, “nameOfOriginalMovieClip”+i, i, {_x:20, _y:20});
or whatever numbers you want to use.
you can even do it using i, or whatever u want
{_x:i*100, _y:20}
the script cant run,because duplicateMovieClip function only have 3 parameters. please help me. because i would like to make a flash movie with the concept is same with “Packet Tracer” from Cisco. anyone can help me.
sorry - research the MovieClip.duplicateMovieClip() function in the help file - thats the one i meant - you can pass initObject stuff like _x and _y with that one