Creatin Realistic Water In Photoshop For Fantasy RPGs

Hiya guys! I’m developing a fantasy rpg similiar to WoW/Runescape. I’m both a programmer and a graphics artist, although I’m not really good at both but I’m learning. I have Photoshop CS on a Mac and I need help creating realistic water/river on a overhead view. Heres a link to my picture:


As you can see, the river doesn’t really match with the rest of the background. I just recently game to learning digital painting so I’m still kinda new to this whole realistic graphics thing. Can you guys give me some good tutorials/advice on creating a realistic river? I would really appreciate it.

PS: It would really help if you can post some links to tutorials too. I already surfed the net, and most of the tutorials suck -_-.

All graphics are made by me.*

Try to and some light sand and some rocks between the water and the grass to let it look more realistic. Maybe add some noise to the water.

You also have conflicting shadows on your trees? right now :stuck_out_tongue:

ya thanks for the tips guys I’ll do that.