byis, are the forums very easy to make and install, or do you need php knowledge?
You don’t have to know thing one about PHP - trust me because I don’t . What you do have to do is create a mySQL database connection for it to use. This is very easy if your hosting plan comes with mySQL. Let me know if you need any help. Do you know if hosting plan supports PHP and mySQL?
Yeah it does support them
Do you have an email addres or AIM screen name where i can reach you at?
When I download the zip file and try to open something it says I have to install a program to view i or something that I have to pay for,@#%$
when i install the zip file and try to open something it says i have to install some program that you have to pay for,whats up with this?
(This message was left blank)
my ICQ # is in my profile and you can email me @
Let me know if you email cause i dont check that address often would be best to contact me on ICQ if you have it.
I just emailed you, I dont have ICQ
I havent read this whole thread but here’s the lowdown…
you have vbb, which you need a php and SQL enabled host, which is gonna cost you, vBB liscences are expensive though!
There is wBB, which is a near exact copy of vBB, only free You will again need a server with php and SQL.
Then you get onto the CGI ones, the best one you’ll find is ikonboard, you’ll need a CGI host, and so long as you dont mind an ad at the top of your forums you can get one here -… the developing team of ikonboard recently left the company and are going to release their own version away from the company, so I’ll keep you posted on that.
There are various other php ones about, yabb, phpbb, etc. but if you want a php based one I’d advise wBB, if you want something free and customizable then I’d advise ikonboard, here is what I have done with one on netfirms:…nboard.cgi - its not the best I’ve done, but all the other hosts died You can also get a ‘skin’ to make your ikonboard look a bit like a vBB, however nothing can ammount to proffesional quality software like vBB - [url=“”]…nboard.cgi
On the hosting note - does anyone know a decent free host that offers PHP and SQL?
PHP - to install most forums you dont need an ounce of php knowledge, just enough common sence to follow the guide that comes with it. Follow the instructions and you’ll be well away. If you want to edit them however - as here: - then you will need to edit the scripts. If you just want a basic one then you’ve got no troubles.
That pretty much sums up forums. Any questions?
I dont know of a free host that offers php and mySQL but the host I currently have offers very cheap plans.
$48 yr 120 mg mySQL PHP
(Dont work for these guys just trying to help out anyone looking for an avialable host)
You are correct there are many forums avialable and offered a good desription of each. I would add however that the CGI forums (ubb, ikonboard, etc) are known to be resource hogs and alot of hosts dont encourage there use. I know when I switched from ubb to phpBB I could see a huge difference in performance (loading times, search times, etc). Anyhow just that I would mention that.
Cool. I am 17 and still studying, so money is pretty tight, but once i get payed for the website I am making, I am fairly sure I will be able to get myself some hosting, if not then I will wait until I upgrade my computer and host myself, I tried it on this computer but it didnt stand up to it too well.
I’m at , 100m, no po-ups, no adds, +PHP & mySql…
check this (under developpement, but working):
Nice, I am gonna go there and check it out now, is it ftp access?
yes, but i think you’ll need an adr in france…
Ah well, thats game over for me! But never mind… I have new hosting from