Adding message board to website

Hello I was wondering if anyone knows of any good free webhosts that provide a cgi-bin (where you can change permissions) and add a message board.

Also, untill I successfully create one I would like to use a free message board. Does anyone know any good ones to sign up for?

there are a few that allow php and you should use or

i can provide hosting…if u want…:slight_smile:

most hosts provide you with a choice to add a phpbb2, but that is usually with a non-free host. I dont know of any free hosts that allow you to do that.

I do, I found a free host with a built in phpBB messageboard, I only have to check which one it was … I’ll edit this post when I’ve found it.

EDIT : Yep, I think it was this one: It doesn’t have CGI tho, but you can use it for phpBB


wow vote i never found one before, thats great!

Hey maxtrosity, I’m interested in your hosting :slight_smile: What information do I have to give you ?

yea, goto , click on Hosting…looking forward to it.

I did, it said I had to contact you, so that’s what I did :slight_smile:

e-mail…:slight_smile: or aim or msn…either way…:slight_smile:

Ok, I’ll e-mail you right away, just a sec :slight_smile: EDIT No wait, I’m gonna use MSN, are you on ?

yea, i’ll b on, i’ll contact you…:slight_smile:

Thanks guys. I will look into this right away. I will check back to look at further posts as well.

ok, have fun…:slight_smile: