I am doing this tutorial. and I have completed all the steps in step one:
First here’s the tutorial i’m following ( I think its a very good tutorial):
second you may need to look at the fla and the tutorial first to know what i’m talking about.
Problem #1:
How do I place text, mc’s, any content on these pages I’ve created? In the tutorial it states to create a movie clip and inside that movie clip there are 3 instances of another mc with 3 rectangles (the page’s) placed in specific x y positions. One of my problems here is that if I try to put any content on one page then all the pages inherit the same content. I tried on a different layer and the same problem.
Problem #2:
I got it making the transitions when I click the buttons, but I have to click on the second button first before the first button will work.
I followed the tutorial exactly, what am I doing wrong?
attached is the fla to what I’m working on.
thank you,