Putting it all together...Helllp!

Hi, OK so I am building a page in which I want to include a bunch of things from these tutorials, such as a small section with the wall bounce, another small section which utilizes motion blur for text, etc. In most of the tutorials, they start off, 'Create a new movie"…fine, but how do I incorporate these into ONE movie or one main timeline? Do I create small .swfs all with the same dimensions and overlap them? If so, how do the layers become transparent? I assume many of the animations can be movie clips, but if so, how do I specifically locate those (x,y) to be in certain areas. For example, I have a background shape drawn and I want the wall bounce action to occur only in that background shape. Can I create a mask of somesort to hold the action and animation? Or do I have to create variables in the actions for top, bottom, left right? Also, if so, can I only do square/rectangle shapes or can you specify odd shapes? Thanks for any help!!