Creating a symbol within a class

I have a class called “playerClass” which I want to create multiple players from. I have made a movie clip symbol called “soldierOrange” and exported it for actionscript. I have also removed it off the stage. I have tried various bits of code to add it to a child and then the stage, read many tutorials but nothing has worked so far.

Here is my code below with the unrelevent code taken out.


[COLOR="blue"]import flash.display.*[/COLOR];

[COLOR="blue"]public class[/COLOR] playerClass{  

        [COLOR="blue"]public var [/COLOR]playerName:[COLOR="blue"]String[/COLOR] = [COLOR="Green"]"playerName"[/COLOR]; 
	[COLOR="DimGray"]//other variables[/COLOR]

	[COLOR="Blue"]public function[/COLOR] playerClass(playerName:[COLOR="blue"]String[/COLOR] = [COLOR="Green"]""[/COLOR], ...){
		[COLOR="Blue"]this[/COLOR].playerName = playerName;  
		[COLOR="blue"]var[/COLOR] hero:soldierOrange = [COLOR="blue"]new[/COLOR] soldierOrange();

	[COLOR="DimGray"]//other functions[/COLOR]
}[COLOR="DimGray"]//end playerClass[/COLOR]

}[COLOR="DimGray"]//end package[/COLOR]

In my main flash document I created a new playerClass called “player1” and I traced all the properties which worked fine. I tried to refer to the .x and .y properties of my new instance “hero” but this is what is giving me errors.

[COLOR="Blue"]var[/COLOR] player1:playerClass = [COLOR="blue"]new[/COLOR] playerClass([COLOR="Green"]"3RSK"[/COLOR], ...);

[COLOR="Blue"]trace[/COLOR](player1.playerName); [COLOR="DimGray"]//3RSK[/COLOR]
[COLOR="DimGray"]//other traces[/COLOR]

[COLOR="Blue"]this[/COLOR][player1.hero][COLOR="blue"].x[/COLOR] = 30;
[COLOR="blue"]this[/COLOR][player1.hero][COLOR="blue"].y[/COLOR] = 30;

Any help would be really appreciated, thanks in advance.