Newbie question

Hello. I am using Flash Professional CS5 and a sequence of small images that I want to convert to a MovieClip to use in actionscript 3.

I have a blank actionscript 3 file. I go to Insert -> New Symbol, name it ‘blue’, set it as a Movieclip and tick ‘Export For Actionscript’. Then I press OK. I get the meesage about creating a new class and click OK. Obviously this creates ‘blue’ in my library. I then go to File -> Import -> Import To Stage and select my first image of four, ‘blue1.png’. It asks if I want to import the sequence of images. I have blue1.png, blue2.png, blue3.png, blu4.png, so I click Yes and the images appear on the timeline, stage and my library. Is that it? Can I now use the class ‘blue’ in my main actionscript file? Currently, in my main actionscript file, called BubbleVillage, I have some very simple code:

    import flash.display.*;
    public class BubbleVillage extends MovieClip 
        public function BubbleVillage()
            private var firstblue:blue;
            firstblue = new blue();

When I save and test the movie, I get a blank screen.

I realize this is a very simple question but could somebody tell me what I am missing? Have I setup everything okay? I am a complete newbie when it comes to Flash. Any help would be much appreciated.