Creating another effect :)

Ok, this time, it’s an effect i’ve seen done before, so I know it will work :slight_smile:

I want to create an effect where the object fades in, but like it moves and it fades in at the same time.

I’m trying to create the effect, but I’m stuck at this point. It’s coming in, but half of it needs to have the alpha of maybe 60%, and the rest of 12% or something. How would I do this (without actually splitting the object) ?

thanx in advance…

like this?

yes, exactly like that… how did you do it?

thanx :slight_smile:

  1. Make your object a symbol
  2. Go to whatever frame you want it to end at, insert a keyframe
  3. on the last frame, use transform tool to make smaller (or bigger, whichever floats your boat)
  4. Change the alpha to 0
  5. Go to the first frame, create motion tween

FIN. :goatee:
Hope I helped.

it looks like all you were doing was fade it out as it moved…

I wanted like the first end of object to have an alpha percentage of 100 and the other end to have 0, so the object kind of fades out. Then, as it moved, i wanted the whole object to have an alpha of 100… so it kind of fades in, you know what I mean?

thanx again…

*Originally posted by vip3r *
**after looking a little closer, it looks like all you were doing was fade it out as it moved…

I wanted like the first end of object to have an alpha percentage of 100 and the other end to have 0, so the object kind of fades out. Then, as it moved, i wanted the whole object to have an alpha of 100… so it kind of fades in, you know what I mean?

thanx again… **

not a clue. you lot me. :cyclops:


ok, i’ll pick up where you left off…

I kind of want a gradient mask, so that when it comes in, it will sort of “fade” in, you know what I’m saying?

Like say I were to create a mask, and whenever something comes under it, it looks like it has a 1% alpha setting. Then when it came across another part of the mask, the part that is under it has an alpha of 2%, and so on so forth. It goes like this until you get to 100, where it becomes fully visible. Then, the next part of the object comes under the 100% mask part, until the whole thing comes through it, and then the object becomes fully visible…

you with me?

*Originally posted by vip3r *

ok, i’ll pick up where you left off…

I kind of want a gradient mask, so that when it comes in, it will sort of “fade” in, you know what I’m saying?

Like say I were to create a mask, and whenever something comes under it, it looks like it has a 1% alpha setting. Then when it came across another part of the mask, the part that is under it has an alpha of 2%, and so on so forth. It goes like this until you get to 100, where it becomes fully visible. Then, the next part of the object comes under the 100% mask part, until the whole thing comes through it, and then the object becomes fully visible…

you with me? **

no… im not. but dont worry, im not the best in flash anyhow. haha. so, i will leave it for someone else. im completley godsmacked. (i dont know if thats the word, I just always wanted to say it)