i have been looking through the Tutorials all day and i cant seem to find the action script that you have for your background. where some of the pieces fade in and out .
i have been looking through the Tutorials all day and i cant seem to find the action script that you have for your background. where some of the pieces fade in and out .
I don’t think there is a tutorial for that kind of effect anywhere, but I’ll try to explain it to you in steps.
Use the pen tool and trace the shape of the object you want to fade in and out.
Once you got the shape, convert it to a movie clip.
Inside that movieclip, you’ll need to convert that shape to a graphic symbol again so you can tween it.
Now just alpha tween the shape so that it fades in and out inside that movie clip.
Thats basically what I did to have certain pieces of my background fade in and out. =)
thanks and happy holidays
no problem, happy holiday to you too. =)
well i used the pen tool and i drew out the line in my background but before i have the chance to convert it to a movie symbol it dissapers behind my background
Did you make it on a new layer? Make sure you lock and hide your background layer so you can see. Also make sure the new layer is above your background layer.
Alex, you need to start the habbit of making things on their own layers instead of having everything you do on one layer, it will help you organize your work. Whatever layer you’re not working on, make sure you lock them.
i figured out that last question but yet again i ran into another problem:(
i am not sure how to make it fade in an out.
In one keyframe, have the shape at alpha 100, then go to another keyframe and alpha it 0.
is there anywhere i could get the fla for this file.
its just not working for me:*(
Well i can help you with making a FLA
But first look at the post.
I hope this helps if not i will make it alot easier and simple to understand.
Here is an example of how to do a basic alpha fade.
thanks i know that was a really stupid question.
will that keep going and not stop?
I made a qucik FLA on all kinds of fading objects.
It depends if you want to stop it or not, just take out the stop action if you don’t want it to stop.
where is the stop thing in the time line
Look Alex, I don’t want to be mean, but if you can’t even find where the stop action is in the example I gave you then how do you expect me to show you anything if you can’t even figure that out?
If you look on the time line you’ll see a little letter “a” in the last keyframe indicating that theres an action on that frame. Just click on it and open your actions panel and you’ll see the stop action.
Alex not to be mean:(
But you really need help with site actionscirp etc.
All you have to do is conduct and experiment.
How do you learn math?You usally righ stuff on papper to see what it comes to.
Then ge help to see if it works.
Or test to see if it works yourSelf.
I usally do this.With making my games.
Trial and error
And asking if none of those work.,
Please try stuff all yourSlef then if you cant do it then come and ask.
See i was never good at making sites.
I couldent draw or do code.
So i started to draw first and keep doing it over and over till i got it look right.
For code i looked at it.
(Go To this and stop )
go to this and play.
Do this and this to get that.
I mean in math i o methds.
First i add then takeAway
See thats a method.
I hope this helped a little but
Merry christmas
<:} <:}
*Originally posted by electrongeek *
Look Alex, I don’t want to be mean, but if you can’t even find where the stop action is in the example I gave you then how do you expect me to show you anything if you can’t even figure that out?
I agree ElectronGeek.
Alex, you have been around here for a few weeks already, by now you should have the basics of Flash down. stop() is one of the very first actions you should know, along with gotoAndPlay and the on and onClipevent handlers. The other day you didn’t even know how to make a movie clip symbol. Have you actually tried to do any of this on your own without asking here first?
Did you read the tutorials that come with Flash?
I am not trying to be mean either, but your progress in learning this program seems to be incredibly slow Alex.
some of the best learning tools a person can ever have are mistakes ;p
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