This just creates a movieclip that is a square, but when I try to duplicate it, it doesn’t work. The Original MC is on the stage, but the grid doesn’t show up, also, the statement
EDIT: Sorry - I just noticed something - so I deleted what I wrote earlier. I haven’t had a chance to look at the code properly yet, holding my little boy
I had the same problem! It works if you draw the object and give it the instance name. But if you dynamically create it and give it an instance name, it will not work.
Ilyas did it dynamically, but he removed the source code from his entry so I can’t see how he did it.
Well I am supposing in this case it is for the AS contest…haha.
I do believe it saves on loading time/file size because it does not require the loading of the graphics. And being that the AS contest requires a small file size this really would help.
Also, I just want to figure it out because it is being such a pain and I dont know why.
Ok. I was comparing to to attaching tiles in my example. Compared the way I did it, to this dynamic way - it would hardly save anything since a square of 10 x 10 pixels, wouldn’t but that processor intensive, especially since he whole swf (3) tiles is only around 300 bytes (not even 1 KB)!
But in other ways it might save some of your pc’s life span. But all depends how complex a graphic you can create dynamically with lineStyle, etc.
Anyway - you guys are actionscript junkies so I’ll leave you to it!
I think because when you say nNum++ you mean, 1, ie. 1 more tha 0 - which is root, but if you specifically say nNum = 0, then load the first dup into 0 - it will load over the first. Just a guess…