Creating Graphics: Link to Us, Buddy Icons, etc

Yea wierd is right. How will they know what you do? If you type a number, they won’t see it.

You can private message me and tell me there ;). Then you can delete it from your sent messages box and there will be no trace of it :).

But if you still feel scared of parents because of that, I fully understand :thumb:.

Thanks kirupa! I just saw them in the link to us :). I really hope you get a chance to read/upload that tutorial.

yeah, I’m not supposed to say I’m thirteen or that I live in Texas, but I do… who’s gonna try and GET YOU on a flash forum!!! :stuck_out_tongue: that’s how I finally convinced my mom to be a little less secure… :smiley:

If I try and convince my parents otherwise, they set up an enterrogation and ask me what I did.
College is way too far away.

yeah, but they will never know :P, anyways, just say, that you didn’t do anything and that it’s obvious that nobody will try and get you on a flash forum

Been there, done that.
It’s hopeless for me.

so why do you post here if you basically can’t say nuthin ?

topcatyo - Don’t worry about these guys, I know what you’re talking about; I don’t sign up for anything unnecessary on the Internet either. For me it’s not anything to do with parents, I just choose not to, most sites I come across don’t seem like sites I want to give any sort of information to. It’s completely your choice whether or not you want to give out any information over the net, blah blah blah, you know the rest, and if you’re under 13, well, it’s your parents’ choice too. :stuck_out_tongue:

As for image hosts where you don’t have to become a member, I doubt they exist. I use my university filespace for that, and the webspace Sympatico gives me. Maybe one of your friends owns a domain and they can host you there or something. Good luck man. :slight_smile:

Why are you so afraid to become a member? All you have to do is put in an account name and a password and some stuff and that’s it…

It’s not that I’m afraid - It’s just not worth it for me. I’d rather not give out information about myself for no good reason. It’s sort of like the reason I don’t buy things off the Internet. Not exactly, but sort of. :stuck_out_tongue:

Anyway, this thread is getting off-topic. Moving on…

I was talking to topcatyo ;).

Meh, the website that I uploaded my .swfs before just came back up.

hey… i made this bullet icon… was gonna use it but the project it was for got scrapped

Looks really nice uber! I’m not sure if I will use it because I already have plenty of small icons to use :slight_smile:

3D Kirupa ehehhhe

any reply

Looks nice :slight_smile: 43k filesize is a bit hefty for a button though.

oh okey then i will reduce the Frames and Make it Less Sizer :thumb:

how about this:)

Cool - I’ll have it added to the site shortly :slight_smile:

EDIT: Added!

one here

hope this FIT up :rabbit: