Creating Graphics: Link to Us, Buddy Icons, etc

Hey everyone,
If you are intersted in contributing graphics to the site to be displayed publically at the Link to Us location (, here are the few basic guidelines:

Link to Us Banners/Graphics
[]There is no official logo for the site, so be creative!
]The design should be in good taste, and not offensive.
[]Try to keep the graphics compact in both filesize and dimensions.
[/list]AOL Buddy Icons
]The width and height of the buddy icons should be 48x48.
[]The file size limit used by AOL IM is about 7k. Try keep your graphics’ size smaller than that.
]Animated GIFs are preferred.
[*]Keep the text, graphics, etc. appropriate.
[/list]Please post all graphics in this thread as an attachment or a link. [color=darkolivegreen]PM me (kirupa) once you have added your graphics to the thread.[/color]

Kirupa :ub:


need some help? Well I’m one of these creative dudes… that can do cool stuff. Why don’t you have a look at my online presentation (this overture requires Flash6):

…and if you need anything send me an e-mail from there

Party on dude.

two icons (thanks bill gates pals for the original ones) - im using them as icons for my next tutorial so if they’re not on the site I guess they might be added later:
(used as little pics next to tut names in the tutorial)
(used as frontpage link images)

Actually AIM Icons are 50 x 50 max and about 25 kb I think. My one is 14.97 kb :).

Hey Kirupa, made some buddy icons. About 4KB each. The black one is about 2KB ;).

You can upload all of these to your site, none of these, or one of these :).

nice job, you ought to animate them :thumb:

Quick question, I have no where to upload flashes to show people (and I don’t want to have to pay or become a member for them to host, believe me, I’ve seen sites like that).

I don’t want to become a member though.
It would be kind of like

Um why not? Just make an account (takes 3 seconds) and just upload…

Call it a phobia.

Of what…it’s free.

Of what my parents would do to me if they found out about it.

Um…why would they do anything to you?

It’s a FREE host…meant to be FREE. What’s so bad about it?

They’re over-paranoid.
I’ll try it out though.

All I can say is, “Access denied”.

Wow that must suck. Your parents don’t trust you for going on to FREE websites? How old are you?

I don’t think I’m aloud to even say that…:puzzle:

ok…definitely a wierded out moment:

Anyhoo, I’ve added your icons up sharif. Thanks :cons:

Weirded out.