Do you have to be a mod to make a kirupa style? i know you guys don’t take everything but i’d like to get something cookin
No you don’t, I believe Aislin, fluid_0ne, and EthanM all have styles posted.
Don’t have to be a mod. But just a suggestion, Kirupa has enough plain color styles. Add something to it like a graphic or something that makes it cool, like trogdor (it’s already been done though).
Also, since we’re on the subject of styles, I think rev’s new one should be called winter instead of summer. Light blue just reminds me of snow more than it does summer. Summer should be all yellow’s and red’s and bright colors. Just my opinion though.
How do we go about making them?
And he came in the nighhhhttt!!! Trogdorr!!!
Ok enough of that.
Just dl the zipped file. It’s a template for the header and footer files. Be as creative as you like as long as all the features stay. Then let “Kirupa” know.
Hmm, I coulda swore there was a sticky thread on the subject. It’s not there anymore.
Anywho, its the file EthanM posted.
Oh yeah and, you can only edit the head/footer, but you can make suggestions as to colors and you can supply your own mini icons and say what they could be used for. Otherwise Kirupa will do it how he wants to do it :evil:
Ahhhhhhhhh:stunned: :stunned:
hmmm…maybe i should do one?..
There’s a file size limit as well I believe… 15K?
is it 15k for the whole package? header and footer and all?
I think each individually.
*Originally posted by NaliWarCow *
**Also, since we’re on the subject of styles, I think rev’s new one should be called winter instead of summer. Light blue just reminds me of snow more than it does summer. Summer should be all yellow’s and red’s and bright colors. Just my opinion though. **
winter is coming… you will see my opinion on winter…
summer is blue… the sky in summer is blue, the water you play in is blue… If it were winter, there would be snow on the hill (it is Yosemite after all), or the guys wouldn’t be paddling a dugout due to the cold…
summer isn’t red and yellows… that is fall leaves… I already made one called spring that is yellow and green…
always have a gripe, huh Nali?
-> :crazy:
I like your custom title there, you self-proclaimed Lameoid…
Dan did it, and i’m too lazy to take the 1/2 a sec to change it.
no, Dan didn’t do it…
I’m not saying who did, but I know it wasn’t Dan…
hey reverend,
one of yours is 18kb, one is 17, i thought the limit was 15? or am i mistaken? are you gonna kick me? is this a special mod privelage? do you know the size limit for sure?
the size limits were imposed after my submission…
and yes, I will kick you…
the size limits are 20 k for the footer and header seperately.
thanks Nali…
the check’s in the mail…