using FlashMX’s drawing API here’s a simple way to create a perfect circle
you can store this fla and just copy the code into whatever you’re doing. change the variables and presto … you have a circle
the variables are commented so you should be able to easily figure out how you want to change them =)
i hope this is of use to someone
_root.createEmptyMovieClip("circle", 500);
lcol = 0xFF0000;
// Line color
fcol = 0xFF9900;
// Fill color
lwid = 5;
// Line width
lal = 90;
// Line alpha
fal = 25;
// Fill alpha
x = 275;
// X-coordinate circle center
y = 200;
// Y - coordinate circle center
R = 100;
// Radius of circle
a = R*0.4086;
// Radius multiplied by constant
b = R*0.7071;
// Radius multiplied by constant
with ( {
lineStyle(lwid, lcol, lal);
beginFill(fcol, fal);
moveTo(x-R, y);
curveTo(x-R, y-a, x-b, y-b);
curveTo(x-a, y-R, x, y-R);
curveTo(x+a, y-R, x+b, y-b);
curveTo(x+R, y-a, x+R, y);
curveTo(x+R, y+a, x+b, y+b);
curveTo(x+a, y+R, x, y+R);
curveTo(x-a, y+R, x-b, y+b);
curveTo(x-R, y+a, x-R, y);