So, i’ve got this movie clip. I’ve loaded a swf called “page1.swf” into a holder called “page1MC”. This child movie DID have a button in it called “page1_buttonA” in it when I made it, but I can’t get it to do anything once I’ve loaded it. I recently discovered you can trace movie clips, and the trace below is coming up undefined, which might explain why it’s not working. Now, can anyone explain WHY it’s coming up undefined?
The code for the entirety of this debacle is as follows:
//Create empty movie clip holder:
page1MC._x =0;
page1MC._y =0;
//Load movies into the page1MC movie clip:
trace("MovieClip exists? " + this.page1MC.page1_button.A);
//Load page 2
root.page1MC.page1_buttonA.onRelease = function() {
trace(“click, you bastard”)
page2MC._x =0;
page2MC._y =0;
//Load movies into the page2MC movie clip:
I’m a mostly self-taught actionscript hatchet-artist, so there’s a HUGE chance I’m missing something obvious because my knowledge is completely unstructured with large gaps where much foundational learning should be. I know I’ve pretty much asked this same queston here, but I think that one might be dead by now. Is bumping a faux-pas on kirupa? If it is, this blatherfest might be worse. Sorry.