if you know why, please let me know (the actual file i’m working on is massive with lots of functions on the main timeline that need to be referenced by the child swfs - so even though i’m sure the answer is simple, it’s really important)!
This is probably not the answer per se but ‘button’ is one of those reserved words that you shouldn’t use as a name for anything. May or may not make a difference in this case but you might want to reconsider changing that.
Other than that - are you sure you want to use ‘this’ in the path?
Okay let’s backtrack a moment here. So you are creating the empty movie clips in the main movie right? And then you are loading external swfs in. Are they loading successfully? You can see them an everything? If there is animation on them then it should start as soon as it is done loading.
i put a stop action in the first frames of the movies you are loading and then a bytesloaded preloader type thing in master with a command to play() and the button action.
you could also give your button in mc2 the actions
that does work… but i guess you want to use the .onPress function?