Cs4 is brand new, so there’s not that many resources out there just yet, but maybe someone here can help.
Basically, it seems to me that the new method of tweening has some serious flaws. The main issue being that when your animating, your changing the duration of movie clips all the time, testing different options.
Say you create a 3 second animation, and you’ve used custom easing on various keyframes to create a fairly complex movement. Then you decide you’d like to make the animation longer, so you add some frames to the animation, you keyframe positions will remain in place, but your complex custom tweens are stretched to fill the new timeline length, thus completely out of sync.
Considering that anyone doing animation will rarely know the exact length of a clip from the begining, theres just no flexability. What would of made sense, is for the longer clip to add time to the end of the tween and not to stretch it to fill.
Has anyone else experienced these gripes? or am just rambling nonsense?