I’m trying to learn how to use the new tweens. For the most part I think they are great but I’m having some trouble that I’m not finding answers too.
All easing seems to mess up my animations. When I apply easing it makes the animation happen before the keyframes that I’ve set it up for. Instead of easing between the keyframes that the animation is happening on its doing it before those keyframes.
Positioning. I have an animation that has several keyframed animations ahead of it for scaling and alpha. Later down the line I need to change its position but when I try to do that its not moving at the keyframe where i want it to but is instead moving it at the beginning of the animation sequence. I’ve tried manually inserting a posiiton keyframe at the beginning of where I want the position animation to start and then moving forward in the timeline to where I want the position to end and change the position there but still the same thing is happening.
please help this is driving me crazy!