
Hello im new to all this flash stuff this sites got some great tutorials that are helping me get skills up. But whats really troubling me, is that when i try to animate my character with motion tweening the first two work but the others just go crazy and do there own thing then teleport them selfes to were i wanted them to go at the end of timeline. So is there a way u can give flash hints on were to go in the middle of a tween or if u could turn your motion tween into frames some how?

any help would be great thanx Lachy


I’m still kinda new too. When you use motion tweening (purple), you should convert your graphic to a movieClip (select all of the graphic and hit F8). Lets say that’s on frame one and there is nothing else behind it (frame 2,3,etc.). Select the frame that you want your tween to end at (like frame 30). Either hit F6 or right click on it and ‘insert keyframe’. Now, from frame one to thirty will be the same. Right click on any frame between 1 and 30, hit ‘Create Motion Tween’. Then select the last frame of your tween (30) and move the movieClip anywhere on your stage you like. You can now move the movieClip on frame 1 as well.

Good luck!

Why don’t you try to put more keyframes? That way you can control your animation more precisely :slight_smile: