Why would Adobe take a carefully developed piece of software, thats had years to mature, developed a cult following and swept the competition away… and then change the UI & features so much its actually alienating its own user base? I’ve seen 3 designers and one coder actually punch their brand new and much cuddled Mac book pros this week out of sheer frustration
Anyone used CS4 photoshop on a Mac yet… is the new ‘spinny canvas/Mac rotate’ gesture followed by the ‘where the F***s the reset button’ routine bothering anyone else? Can’t turn the gesture off on a Mac, can’t disable ‘rotate canvass’ in PS either! and why would I want to rotate it anyway… oh yes, for the crap, misplaced 3D functions. (If I wanted 3D in a graphics app, i’d use something a bit more heavy duty thanks for asking) Thanks for rearranging a fundamental part of the UI around this one rather naff and underused feature Adobe.
And whats with the rather arrogant rearrangement of the UI. Its like some marketing gimp has decided to tell everyone the best way to ‘do workflow’, while ignoring the legions of past users that have been quite happy with previous layouts for years.
This is the first time i’ve ever reverted to a previous version of software. If anyones up against a deadline, I’d recommend waiting until you have some ‘down time’ before upgrading. My dev team were ready to kill each other this week!