Curiously want to know : Where do you guys learn action scripts?

Books? Website? Which one?

Where to start?

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online communities like this, open-source FLA files and books help a lot =)

There is one book that you need, ActionScript for Flash MX - The Definitive Guide

The rest is tutorials and boards like this one.

If I don’t have much knowledge in scripts (I know little about Perl)
is it harder for me to learn action scripts?

i dind’t know any scripts when i started, but after some tutorials on this site and board i started learnin… :slight_smile:

That book is fine. It even has a short introduction for nonprogrammers.

For myself, I made a logical approach to AS…

I studied 3 years common languages (C/C++, ASM, Cobol, Java, SQL). In my spare time, I learned HTML and CSS (not WYSIWYG html - hardcore, handwritten, html 4.0).

After this diploma, I made an Art Diploma - “3D and Game Design”.

Meanwhile, I then made my class on javascript and PHP… and finally AS, which combine the programming language and the art. :slight_smile:

I knew some Visual Basic, and then all I did was pick up my Action Script dictionary (in flash: Help > ActionScript Dictionary). Some of the tougher stuff I just asked specific people and looked at a lot of examples.

<B>Actionscript Dictionary/Reference!!!</B>

You can find an online version of the AS Dictionary (dunno why since it comes in Flash anyway, but just in case you are away from flash or something like that) here…

The rest was just A LOT of practice and experimenting with different ways to implement things I learned and things I did in Tutorials. Practice and Experimentation are probably the most important when learning AS because it helps you to better understand what exactly you are working with and why.

Firends of Ed books, and the Moock one for daily reference.
Messageboards in case of problems,
looking at the code in flashkit flas
coding and debugging…

übung macht den meister
(this one’s for you, lost… :slight_smile: )

Eyez: ja… vom wissen kommt stärke. Ich hoffe, daß ich den richtig sprach :stuck_out_tongue:

Eh oui, c’est en forgeant qu’on devient forgeron, les amis :slight_smile:

Ilyas: ce qui? :stuck_out_tongue: :trout:

Oh! And I thought people should communicate in English while on a thread! :sigh:

Gumene! :stuck_out_tongue:

Did you just call me a gumene!!! WHY I OUGHTA… wait… whats a gumene :q: :trout: :stuck_out_tongue: j/k

hahahaha that was suppose to be sorry in japanese!



Man… first you say your sorry then call me a gumenasai!!!

HAHAHA… just kidding :beam:

No worries. I understand you being “lost” and all. lol :smiley:

Yes… yes I am :frowning:

[SIZE=1]where am I again?[/SIZE]

hey lost, do you have any good ideas about cover preloaders (ie like I’m kind of out of ideas.