Curiously want to know : Where do you guys learn action scripts?

Cover preloaders? Not sure I understand. A preloader is a preloader, they are all done the pretty much the same way :-\

A cover preloader is an MC that contains a function that will load an external SWF into an targetMC and contains also a preloader.

Dig this: when you click on a button a value will be placed on say, varHolder, then plays and MC that covers the stage. When a certain frame within the timeline of that MC is reached a function is called say,

loadMovie(“someswf”+varHolder+".swf", “targetMC”)

The cover preloader MC will stop at this point until the swf to be loaded has loaded completely. Afterwhich the cover preloader MC will continue to play, Uncovering the stage.
Confusing no? More confusing than other “languages” huh? lol


Well in that case, check out this thread… it does the same thing.

JPEG images are used for preloading here… but it will work for ANYTHING you load to the container clip.

Nah, that’s not what I meant. I was asking for some creative idea or design for the transition. I know how to do the scripts and all. I better stop asking you in this thread since its rude of me to do so… anyways thanks.

Well if you don’t need scripting help then don’t ask me… my creativity in flash is… well… null… void(0)… delete flashCreativity, etc etc, you get the point… I suck at that stuff.

hahahaha I think that’s the problem of most Flashers…hahahahahaha :slight_smile: