Cursor disable

how do i stop the defult hand cursor evey time some hover over a button on my site, i used to know how to do this but ive forgot and cant fine the scrit to do it…i just want the users normal cusor to stay on.

thanks kei

what do i replace tht word “this.” with in the script and can enyone explain what this will do
[AS]Button.prototype.useHandCursor = MovieClip.prototype.useHandCursor = false;[/AS]

you can replace this with you button instance name

ok i got that working…but i still want the cursor to change on a hover over a button, (as i dose for a html link or a normal button on a none flash site) to what ever cursor your pc has set to its defult hand cursor…i sure this is possable and i used to do it with projectors made in flash…

Ok you lost me, you want to disable the default hand cursor because you want the default hand cursor to show up?

I don’t get a different hand cursor in Flash than I do on any other link.