JUST USE FLASH!!! then export it to photoshop. lol. too much hassle the photoshop way… and as a guide import the image you are working on in photoshop to flash , then use flash to create your strokes. then export the strokes.
I never knew it was so much trouble, i ve always used illustrator and photoshop as one.
Soulty, there are many people out there who don’t have that many applications like you do. Besides, the request came up as a Photoshop question. Now days you must know it all. In the real world ethier you have it or not!!! Im just trying to help the right way!!! http://www.cutnedgedesign.com
i have flash, lol look at my sig! , but i don’t like to do it that way, i find it learning the programs full extent is usually better unless importing/exporting is the only way to do something.