Curved Lines In Photoshop?

JUST USE FLASH!!! then export it to photoshop. lol. too much hassle the photoshop way… and as a guide import the image you are working on in photoshop to flash , then use flash to create your strokes. then export the strokes. :slight_smile:

I never knew it was so much trouble, i ve always used illustrator and photoshop as one.

Good luck :::Soulty:::smirk::::

Soulty, there are many people out there who don’t have that many applications like you do. Besides, the request came up as a Photoshop question. Now days you must know it all. In the real world ethier you have it or not!!! Im just trying to help the right way!!!

i know, i know , i was joking around :stuck_out_tongue:

I kinda found out that you can stroke or fill paths in the paths palette. It allows you to stroke curves as well.

i have flash, lol look at my sig! :wink: , but i don’t like to do it that way, i find it learning the programs full extent is usually better unless importing/exporting is the only way to do something.

Yeah i know, well this is a way i found,

you select the paths tool, create your stroke

then go to the paths palette , and then select stroke paths.

thats pretty much it.

yes but you see i want my line to be straight . like a straight-bend.

yeah , that was just a example, just draw your shape with the pen tool, and follow the same method.

yea thanks anyways, just to show you, i ment tis way, :slight_smile: thx for helping anyways.

edit: oh you beta me to it! lol, i didnt see you posted a pic too, lol i was too late hehhe.

lol, beat u to it! :stuck_out_tongue: