Curved Lines In Photoshop?

Ok well you see i am in the process of making a brand new web site in dream weaver, flash and photoshop , im still learning some new skills in all of the programs, but anyways in photoshop say i want to make a bent/curved line with the line tool , how would i go about to do this?

Also does anyone else use dream weaver? this is by far the best html tool i have ever used, i hate PURE coding i find it when your doing it visual it’s better and much easier.

i use dreamweaver, but I only use the code view because it highlights the different codes, and I usually only use it for PHP coding. HTML i do straight in notepad.

About the lines… try the pen tool…

i tried using the pen but im still new to using that tool ill try to make a curved line and then its like the fill is there but i just want the line , can you help me with this?

oh yeah. Make a line. Make sure its on its own layer and then use the Shear filter. Its under Filter > Distort > Shear

alright, thanks a lot! this forums a big help in web design, i can tell i’ll be visiting these forums a lot more for sure :wink:

click and drag that should werk too…something like that.

Hi, I am just trying to help and I am not been a smart ***. I have been working in the buss. for a long time as a graphic designer, web designer, pre-press, color editing etc.

There are many ways to create shapes curves, straight lines etc. in Photoshop or IIllustrator, Freehand, Canvas, Corel Draw etc. You must know how to use the pen tool in order to create curves and shapes. The pen tool is one of the most valuable tools to draw shapes, silos, masks and an entire illustration. Without it you will be very frustrated about the programs I just mentioned above. I can only advice you to learn more about it. There are many books and sites about this subject. A book that I think will be very good is called: The Illustrator Wow Book.? By the way, the pen tool works the same in PS as in Illustrator. And practice, practice, pratice… hope this can help.

yeah true, but try to make a open stroke with the pen tool in photoshop, it always closes it to a shape, even if you try to use a path. Would you be able to explain how to create a curved stroke in photoshop, even though i use illustrator for mine, but i am guessing Matrix does not have illustrator as he only asked how to do it in photoshop, would be helpfull to others that dont know as well.


one way i know is by using the pen tool, firstly you create a rectangle with it, then when you have finished your shape, with the pen tool selected move your mouse over the middle of one of the rectangle’s edges you will see that your pen tools icon will change and have a plus sign on the bottom right , this is to say that you can add a point in the line. click on the line , and do the same for the other side. now hit “a” on your keyboard to select the direct selection tool. this it the arrow thats white. select the new point you made and drag them across to make the a bezier curve.

This is one way but its not that easy, maybe cutnedge can help out?


Hi, I am trying to uderstand, and I think what you could do is to create a shape with the pen tool, without closing the path. Then got to the path pallete and save that path. While you in the path pallete youll see a small arrow pointing to the right. Click and hold and yull get a menu w/ some actions, got to Stroke Path, then another dialog box will come up. Choose the one you like. i will recommend to use the pen tool(for harddenes or the air brush tool (for fussines). Remember, whatever path you choose is the one is going to have the EFFECT. Also you could double ckick (mac) the path name and a dialog box will pop up with a choice of naming your path The path pallete works just like the layers pallete. You can create a new layer before you start adding effects to the PATH. I hope this will help

Hi, I rather say: i will recommend to use the pen tool as a stoke(for harddenes or the air brush tool (for fussines). I hope this help

Sorry, you can create a new layer in the main document before you start adding effects to the PATH. I hope this will help

ok maybe this can explain it easier, you know in flash how if you use the " envelope " tool it lets you easily bend the line, is there something similiar to that extent in photoshop? just making sure we are on the same page here :slight_smile:

Yes, I do understand now. No, there is not an envelope feature in PS to bend a path. When you drawing from the pen tool you cuold bend the path. For example:

Click once on your document with the pen tool, then click about 2 inches to the right, without releasing the mouse. Yull see another line coming from the path. Release the mouse and a path w/ a curve has been created. Now, everytime you click the center of that line with the Direct Selection Tool you could reshape the curve of that path. Hope this help

hmm, im going to try that now

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ok i try that but i keep having the same problem, it’s likethefill is enabled and keeps making a bad looking shape, i just want the stroke and not thefill, can you please let me know how to do this?thanks

*Originally posted by Soulty *
**one way i know is by using the pen tool, firstly you create a rectangle with it, then when you have finished your shape, with the pen tool selected move your mouse over the middle of one of the rectangle’s edges you will see that your pen tools icon will change and have a plus sign on the bottom right , this is to say that you can add a point in the line. click on the line , and do the same for the other side. now hit “a” on your keyboard to select the direct selection tool. this it the arrow thats white. select the new point you made and drag them across to make the a bezier curve.

This is one way but its not that easy, maybe cutnedge can help out?

:::soulty:::smirk:: **

ok i tried your way and it works well but im still having the fill problem, how do you turn the fill off in photoshop? because that’s the only problem im having now tryingtofind out.

go to paths, on the top of the the window containing the layers, and your curved path will be there, ctrl+click it, then go back to layers, create a new layer, and hit edit>stroke, it should stroke the line and therefore you would have a curved line


hmm, when you ctrl+click the path, it should select the whole thing, including the fill… then make a new layer, stroke it, and delete the part of the line you dont want, good luck


THANK YOU! . lol i finally got the answer, i still however think adobe should have made it easier to do that. thanks again! now i can continue with making my web site :slight_smile:

Okay, there is more. If you followed the fisrst steps about how to convert PATHS to strokes? do this before you start the path. Go to the pencil tool right next to the air brush tool. Select the pencil tool. Then youll see on top left a little pencil, right next to it is the brush size, choose the right brush size width and the opacity(next to the size). Now, go back and draw your path, save the path and now follow th previous instrunctions on how to stroke paths… The stroke now will be filled w/the size you chosen. Hope this help