Lil line shape thing help

i want to make some sort of line shape like the one i attach in the image.

how can i do that in photoshop.

theres gotta be a EZ way. but i cant figure. i mean, imdoing it like… fading my Brush to 0 that gives the effect but the shape is all curved because of my hand.

any better way?


use the “Pencil” tool.

utiliza el lapiz

no im not talking about the white line i draw im talking about the ORANGE CURVED line there.

what you can do is create your shape using the pen tool. Then duplicate the layer. Not the layer that is on the bottom change the color of it and move it up slightly…maybe like 10 px…that will give you the 2 tone look…if you need help with the pen tool hit f1 while photoshop and search for pen tool

here is an example

THATs exactly the shape i want i know how to give the tone and everything, i just need to know how to draw that line, and i know is with the pen tool but i cant never figure out how to work with it.

lemme see if i can find the help with f1

photoshops pen tool is clunky…but it is easy to get…I personally use fireworks for all vector stuff especially the pen tool. If you still need help let me know.

thanks ill tell u in a min… lemme go trought the help

no cant figure out.

its a lil confusing, i went trought the tutorial and understand a bit. but all i can get is 2 half circles. cant get very well te Anchors stuff…

know any tutorial more deep than the adobe one ?

hhmmmmm…It is difficult to explain…But easy to do especially that shape… I will look for a tut that has screenshots…It is extremely easy with FW…

Basically you select your pen tool make sure it is set to paths (or shape layer actually)…

click to make your initial point

then click and drag on the area you want the peak of your curve to be. You will notice it makes a curve.

do the same for the next peak of your curve (dont worry about it being perfect right now you just want the general shape)

do this till your shape connects to your initial point…you should just about have your shape

now select the direct selection tool

click on your shape

you will notice littles boxes were you placed your points these are the anchors

click one and you will see lil handles to the sides. if you cick and drag one you can manipulate your curve.

also if you click and drag the anchor point you can move the entire curve

if you adjust the handles for each anchor point you will get a perfect shape

:note you can move one side of the handles by hold down the alt key while dragging a handle

Well that is my attempt I know it is not the best explanation but it is pretty easy and you will get it if you experiment with it…I will still look for a good tut for you

thanks!, let try to figure it out and see if i can do it right :slight_smile:

never gonna figure this out, (maybe i have to experiment for 20 hours and see if i can figure it out)

You can also do those type of shapes in Flash.

check out the sample attached.

About the pentool. It’s all about getting used to it. What you should know is that when you draw a curve, and than you need a sharp turn, hold down ALT and press the anchorpoint. You’ll see that one of the handles dissapears…

When you’ve got a closed path:
Then in your layerpalette on the layer with the path, right-click and do “select layer transparency”. Make a new layer and fill the selection on the new layer with the foreground colour.

To give it a little depth I’d then use a gradient fill on the shape with very little difference between back and foreground colour… gives a smooth feel.

hey diablo if you are super stuck…I can create the basic shape for you and send you the psd file then all you have to do is move the anchor points around…You dont have to worry about creating the shape. Oh yeah and change the color.

Can’t you show somebody how to use something in NetMeeting, by sharing your desktop (only viewing)? That’s what i do when i am teaching something.

good point

wow can we do that 3diva?

would be nice…

but maybe has u said with the PSD it would work. i just need to see how it works with my eyes


give me the width of your file or the width you would want my wavy thing to be. I will place it on a transparent bgrd. also PM me your email address


i just need to see the file to see if i can get the pen thing and understand it…

make it like 400x200 or something.

email it to