"Dead End"

Anyone here seen this movie?? It is seriously screwy… :x

Not many movies get to me, but his one had something in it… I even had to look away at one time… shivers

or maybe it’s because I just watched it… it’s late, dark, cold outside… nice :thumb:

perfect setting for a horror flick =)

I recommend this for anyone into scary flicks, it might not get to you, but it sure as hell did get to me… I’m gonna watch this with my gf, she’s gonna freak :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m not much into Horror ANYTHING, but I think I might have to watch this. If it’s as good as it seems from your “looking away”, I might have to watch it and verify it’s screwy-ness. Otherwise, I’ll go back to playing Doom 3…followed by crying myself to sleep because it’s too awesome.

mind you, thor watched “The eye”, and said it was teh killah screwy, yet I didn’t find it scary… So I dunno if this will be scary to you :slight_smile:

it’s just the atmosphere of some of the scenes that are awesome :stuck_out_tongue:

oh, and so you know, the ending makes no sense what so ever, but the rest is cool :thumb:

Hahahaah…thats the best kind of Horror movie. Kinda like those horrible movies they play on the Sci-Fi Channel at 3:30 AM…they all suck, and they all have the WORST actors and plot twists. The greatest-worst plot twist ever witnessed in one of those movies: The cook wasn’t deaf. :d:

[ot] What, no Shocked Smilie? [/ot]