Death Penalty?

I’m sorry, but I feel that no one deserves to die.

ape shall not kill ape


I understand. Different sides of the coin I suppose. Wow… I make a very bad Democrat…

dittos rev. It’s not just the cost Jubba. I think that’s just the final arguement that makes all other’s null. I’m very much against dealing out death.

I hear on the news all the time (I do live close to Oakland, after all) mothers/etc. crying, saying “he didn’t deserve to die like this.”

What I want to know, is how did he deserve to die? In the middle of doing the head cheerleader on the top of a bus doing 70 on the way to the 'slopes?


if they are locked up, they can no longer do any harm.

if we kill them, we are the ones doing harm.


How is it harmful to kill, say, Charles Manson? You think he some good, loving side to him?

I don’t want to get into an argument… but I don’t understand how a Christian can be for the death penalty… it just baffles me. Can any of you pro death penalty Christians explain to me how you can get around “thou shall not commit murder”?

like I said… I don’t want to argue… I’m just interested.

*Originally posted by sushis *
**How is it harmful to kill, say, Charles Manson? You think he some good, loving side to him? **

a life is a life.

doesn’t make any difference. a life is a life, we should not kill.

ape shall not kill ape.


i understand, phil. a much better way to put it :slight_smile:

I think it was escape from the planet of the apes…

yours was the original planet of the apes


I think some people Deserve to die,

I did some research, and herd representatives for it talk and the only reason we still use the death penalty its because most people want it, (and the current admin.) but thats it, not because its more efficient or cheaper… on the contrary…

So thats why I am against it. I would be for it, but after doing research I just cant support it .

Key points:

-Its more expensive to execute someone then to send him/her life in jail.

-Areas that have the death penalty also has higher crime rates.

After knowing this, its just counter productive to support the death penalty.

Sushis - I merged an existing death penalty thread into this this. I’m not blaming you for not searching the forum first or anything haha :ub:

3 meals a day, recreation time, tv time, no work ever, and still keep a social life with fellow inmates … all while living in these posh conditions with no remorse for what they did.

Plus, it all comes on my dime? Fry 'em!

I’m all for the death penalty

Acctulay thats the thing, it costs more to execute them, then to let them live,

plus, areas that have the death penalty have higher crime rates.

And well, prison life still sucks, it is far from posh. And social life includes regular ‘lovins’ from big bubba.

I feel, killing them is to quick of a death anyway. They will die, but before they should live like an animal. But the 2 first reasons is really why I cannot support it.

plus, areas that have the death penalty have higher crime rates.

or is that they have death penalty’s in areas because of a high crime rate?

Uhh… no.
Apart, from that being a RIZE in crime where the death penatly is used, remeber the system is not 100% fool proof, we have fryied innocent people, and we can and will fry more.

You have over-crowded prisons, and talk is more are to be built, and NO ONE wants to live near them … I dunno how you can say it costs less to throw them in jail for life when it’s MILLIONS of dollars to build prisons, all that money to pay the security guards, and electricity for the security systems, plus the food, plus the people that make the food, plus the janitors … that’s A LOT of money.

We should bring back HANGINGS - that costs little to nothing. The problem is we try to treat these INHUMANE KILLERS with more respect for their rights than law-abiding citizens. Can’t hang people cause it’s cruel … yeah, and them putting 12 bullets into a guys chest isn’t.

I’m from the inner city, I know how sh*t goes down. I’ve seen too many people around me get killed from repeat offenders. I have NO respect for the judicial system anymore - I really don’t

Living in a neighborhood that I can’t get out of with these repeat killers and rapists walking the streets … Sound fair to you? No, cause now that’s a life senence for me!

You might want to look at this for quick facts:

First of all, You live Pennsylvania where they DO practice the Death Penalty, and according to you, dosent seem to be doing all that much.

The death penalty is much more expensive than its closest alternative–life imprisonment with no parole. Capital trials are longer and more expensive at every step than other murder trials. Pre-trial motions, expert witness investigations, jury selection, and the necessity for two trials–one on guilt and one on sentencing–make capital cases extremely costly, even before the appeals process begins. Guilty pleas are almost unheard of when the punishment is death. In addition, many of these trials result in a life sentence rather than the death penalty, so the state pays the cost of life imprisonment on top of the expensive trial.

And this in turn affects the economy:

The high price of the death penalty is often most keenly felt in those counties responsible for both the prosecution and defense of capital defendants. A single trial can mean near bankruptcy, tax increases, and the laying off of vital personnel. Trials costing a small county $100,000 from unbudgeted funds are common and some officials have even gone to jail in resisting payment.

no city in New York State, without the death penalty, is among the nation’s top twenty-five cities in homicide rates according to statistics recently released by the FBI

Now check this out, less money spent on death penalty, more money for the city, more money for the police and public workers, = crime rate drop.

“The death penalty, however, has no place in this reform effort. It is a simplistic, arbitrary, misguided, ineffective and costly response, cloaked in the guise of a remedy to the brutalizing violence that angers and frustrates us all.”
–Scott Harshbarger, Attorney General of Massachusetts

I just dont beleive that prison overcrowding is a good argument for pro-death. “We where gona let you live man, but scince we are full we are going to shoot you.”

And if the death penalty is so effective to control the prison population, how come that Houston, the death scentance capital of the world, are realeasing prisoners early due to overcrowding.


You and I BOTH know that web site is SUBJECTIVE, I know you can find sites arguing FOR the death penalty with numerical facts just the same as the one you have shown against it.

I’d just like to point out that State College, PA has one of the lowest crime and homicide rates in the nation, and PA, as you even say yourself has the death penalty.

Every single bit of evidence you have shown was found and tabulated by SUBJECTIVE sources. The numbers DO lie sometimes, and I think this is one of those times.

I don’t care the cost … The death penalty is needed. No one ever said that the death penalty was perfect, and innocent people would not die. Even so - how do you release a man after 35 years when you find he’s really innocent. Have you not already taken his life away? 35 years down the drain … can’t get a job when he gets out - who’d want to hire a 50-60 year old man?

Philadelphia, N.Y., L.A., Miami - high crime rates because they have a higher concentration of people, can’t deny it

Throw all the ‘stats’ at me that you want - forget it, won’t chance my mind

The death penalty is neccessary, no matter the cost

Well, your right then;
I am wasting my time trying to explain my point of view to you, if you remain entrenched in your beleif

no matter the cost

That means you would still be for it, if they where zapping inoccent people everyother week?

Answer me this:
You said:

Living in a neighborhood that I can’t get out of with these repeat killers and rapists walking the streets … Sound fair to you? No, cause now that’s a life senence for me!

then you say:

I’d just like to point out that State College, PA has one of the lowest crime and homicide rates in the nation, and PA, as you even say yourself has the death penalty.

Now which is it? It seems you cant make up your mind, if its a war zone or a safe heaven.

But to tell you the truth: I too thought that some people deserve to get executed, some people cannot be allowed to live. But after knowing the facts, that society suffers just to kill them, I see no reason for it, its just that simple; when its cheaper for us to let them live in a cage for the rest of their life. Remeber, I never, EVER said we should let murders free, but we life without parole is pretty bad.

Dont be mistaken that I was always against the death penalty, I was a strong supporter of it, I researched the topic, partisipated in pro-death sites, but after I researched more and more, it became obvious to me.

And yes I agree my site is bious but never the less the points made remain valid.