I am wanting to set up webhosting on my server, but I am a little unsure of the things I may need for this job. I have apache, php, mysql, postgre and all that good stuff already installed. In order to run multiple sites off of a computer, is there a way to do it without a certain port? I think there is, but another thing I was thinking is… in doing it another way can i eliminate this showing up as the address: www.mysite.com:8080 instead of this: www.theothersite.com without the 8080. Do I need DNS Setup?
If I have confused any one I’m sorry and jjust let me know. I will try and word my question differently.
I have been hosting my own site for years, and have been throught the ringer. I still don’t have DNS set up. I use Dynamic DNS from no-ip.com , you can setup all kinds of options there. There is an amswer for every DNS problem and you can use your own domain or one of theres. I use the pay for service because I wanted the offline features, but all of their usefull services are free. You can handle your port 80 ridirect there and have the option of hiding the address, (so you don’t see the ip or port).
You can also get some advice from http://www.portforward.com/ about hosting multiple sites using port forwarding and port redirects. I have never done that though, so good luck there.
For web hosting I use:
Windows 98se ( :ne: I know it’s all I can afford)
Abyss webserver
PHP (from php.net)
MySQL (from MySQL.com)
PERL (from active state)
Mercury Mail (from Pegusus mail)
and the Dynamic IP Update Client from no-ip.com
Oh yeah my site is at: http://structure.myftp.org if you want to see a sample of these combinations. Sometimes my ISP will block my port 80 so I will use the port 80 ridirect from no-ip.
I’m getting ready to build my own Server - currently I’m using everything on my PC, which is running WinXP - but I want to run a Linux server… is Debian a good one to use?
ima complete idiot, lol… i posted thinking bsd’s and not about other linux distros… lol im sorry. Yea… Debian is afriendly i think… But definetaly not gentoo… and If you want simple, Go Redhat or fedora
Well, I’m basically looking for something that can run a decent / stable server on a Dell Poweredge 4300. If you say Debian works fine, than I’ll use that (I’ve been tryng to download it for several hours now, but the FTP server is only giving 25 Kb/s and its a 583MB file… :P)
If you are new to linux, I would recomend a nice GUI Installation such as any Red Hat distro. If you are going with debian and your server has any built in raid, like my 2400. You will need to find a patched kernel that has it built in. If you need any help with this PM me and I can help when I get home.