Deer Huntin

Wow, I’m in the most furious rage right now. So my parents and I are driving home from a friend’s house. I was being the wheel on the throughway (highway). A deer decides to screw me over and hopity onto the road. I swirve right and in a blink of an eye, we landed in a ditch. My face goes right into the steering wheel and bounces back and on the way forward again, the airbag goes off and slams my head backwards again. After a few minutes of calming down…no cell phone on anyone. Tried to start the car, the maintence light blinks red and even if I rev the engine, we can’t move. I go out in the snowy weather, great, my wheels are smoshed agains the panel, just great.

20min later, I try to flag down a car at 9pm. 30min in the snow, one guy stops, offers to drive me to the gas station. He looked shifty, so, I decided to get someone else. Another 30min pass, a nice lady stops and we used her cellphone. Now I’m home thank god. Car still in the ditch. Nose won’t stop bleeding. Hands are trembling. School in 8 hours. 8 page paper due in 8 hours.

God hates me.