Delay preloading

Yes she has checked the forums. All I have found is that I should be sure no components are in frame 3 or that music files load (or anything for that matter) in frame 1 and 2. Does that sound right? Are there any other checks I should be making to see where I went wrong with this impossibly simple preloader (thanks Lostinbeta you did a WONDERFUL job creating that tutorial but WE mess it up with the content afterwards).

I’m not sure what I added or changed to make it start doing this but the preloader now starts loading when it hits 14%.

Thanks for any help.

~ Seretha

I make it a habit of not answering preloader questions but Im just going to say this.

The (quote) best (unquote) preloader is a seperate file. Then just use that file to load in your main swf and you wont ever have to worry about the preloader starting after it should because the file being loaded is not part of the preloader and exists before any loading of your main movie meaning it will always start at the very beginning.

This also lets you easily use the same preloader over again for multiple movies.

but thats just me