I just wondered: I have a main movie with an empty mc to load my different swf files in it. Now, which is better?
a) put a preloader in the first frames of each swf
b) put a preloader on the main movie that starts to preload the external swf when clicking a button
When I say “better” I mean, is there a difference in “smoothness” or bandwith blah or anything like that?
It’s maybe a stupid question, but you know what they say: there’s no such thing like a stupid question. (-:
…if the preloader is in the main movie … it will start immediately since it’s already loaded. you won’t have to wait until it’s loaded from the new swf…
is true, but he forgot to mention that if you do not place your preloader in the main swf, they will normally start at some point between 0% and 30%, coz it will wait till the preloader, itself, is loaded…
so, basically, what kax said, and i agree, is that is better to place the preloader on the main swf.