Dependable ComboBox problems

Hey everyone, I’ve been trying to do a dependable combo box but I’m a complete AS newb. As such, I was hoping I could use this tutorial:

Very easy to understand and there’s even an example that I was hoping I could use as a template. I ran the example no problem, but then when I followed the tutorial to create my own, there was no “Change Handler” in the ComboBox parameter. So that didn’t work.

My next attempt was to just copy and paste the example components into my own document. I ran it, and the second combo box kept showing “Undefined.” This was resolved by changing my settings to Flash 6/AS 1.0 (I’m using Flash 8/AS 2.0). But the thing is, all my other stuff got messed up when I did that, so it’s not a good solution for me.

Can anyone please help me? There has to be an easy way to do this. Thanks guys!

Bump… anyone? Please?