
Alright, I think I’m going to go to the doctor. I’ve been feeling so downright depressed no matter what I do. It’s not from anything obvious, or even oblivious. I have no reason to be depressed, and it’s been going on for so long that I’m starting to enter into a hermitude.

Anyone have any experience about this kinda thing? I’m pretty sure it’s treatable but does it work?

what ya need to do is start playing practical tricks on ramdom people. You know, the kind where they get hurt. That’ll cheer you up right away!

I’ve been there and done that…there is nothing that is gonna be said that will really cheer you up, just know that it happens to a lot of people, not just you. I was prescribed pills, though I stopped taking them because neither the doctor nor the company which made the “medicine” could tell me how or why the pills worked. I guess everyone has theories on how to overcome clinical depression though I actually believe physical activity is one of the best cures / preventative measures.

Ectheo: It sounds cliched but the first step is actually realising you may be depressed. You may need to make lifestyle changes accordingly, though only do this when you are ready(i.e. don’t force it). Individuals respond to different things differently. The one good thing that I found was that having gone through something (and maybe I am still in it!) is that you undertsand yourself better than most people could ever wish to know themselves.

Skinny_T: I understand and am not having a go. But comments similar to those made, often times have a worse effect than expected. One may read it and think well they’ve suggested to do that, and I CAN’T do it. Unfortunately sense of humour often gets neglected, things which would normally cheer you up no longer do.


I personally have to take pills for my depression since of its severity but to be honest I think depression is just a part of human nature the truth is with all the stress in todays world it really takes a toll on your body you should go to the doctor to at least check what he thinks but personally I think that most people have times when they are depressed.

you need some sun on your skin, cocktail in your hand and girls to flirt with in a bar.
stop thinking about the world and life itself - change something big in your life (if you are fat - make a diet, else you could become vegetarian, go jogging, find another job (even working at a fastfood restaurant in your free time will help)
Change is the essence of life – Anatole France

One of my brother’s friends was really depressed and had to take medics, stopped drinking and started to train for a marathon. He really increased his life quality with that.

Change is definitely #1. I think too that pills are not the answer. They may make you feel better, but they dont help you resolve your issues and help overcome your depression. They just repress it.

Make change and do some reading. There are a lof of books out there that cover depression and being happy and reading them will do you some good. Not only in absorbing the content, but reading in general is good for stimulating the mind and since depression resides in the mind, this is a good thing.

Make change and exercise. Depression is in the mind but your body is an engine that can fuel the mind. Keeping a healthy body will fuel a healthy mind, give you more energy and make you feel better in general.

Make change and release your emotions. Find someone to open up to. Talk to them. Even though you may not be able to identify any problems now, just talking about personal issues (problems or not) no matter how large or small to another person may open your eyes (and mind) to larger issues that you may find are truely bothering you. Once you realize such problems or anything that may be causing stress, confront them and find resolution so that your mind may be able to rest from what stress they may have incited.

Make change. Change in your life will give it a jump start and will feel like getting a new pair of shoes (if shoes are your thing). It will add diversity and a new uniqueness to your life which will educate and invigorate. Eduaction and learning new things helps prevent the effects of alzhiemers; reduces brain degradation and dysfunction. Keeping diversity in life allowing your mind to experience new things will keep it healthy and further from falling into a cycle of decadence.

Also, try to keep yourself busy. Have things to do. Find things to look forward to in the future; a hobby, a sport, a new interest in something that you might find fascinating. Having a positive outlook on the future can make your current outlook on life positive. And this goes hand in hand with change. Making a big change in your life will give you something new and exciting to look forward to. Maybe you’re going to make that jump for your current job to the other one which you were never sure about. Maybe you will finally ask that girl out. Maybe you feel its time to shave your head and become a monk, whatever. Giving yourself a future will give yourself a right now.

All these things help but they all revolve around self realization and self confidence and appreciation. Its your mind and you have to make your mind happy using … your mind. It may take some time for you and your mind to discuss things, but eventually you can overcome your current state of mind and find a higher plane of appreciation to spend the rest of your time.

A great new girlfriend does wonders too :wink:

ive know alot of “depressed people” in my time, which isnt long, seeing as im 16, but 90% of them are crocks, they have a few bad days and they get some type of medicine, which is usually a placebo drug, and not a real solution to their problems, your case sounds genuine, since you cant explain why you have been feeling this way and you don’t want to feel this way. but most cases of the rapidly rising “clinical depression” i think are due to a certain phenomenon called “Emo” yes the terrible emo, bands like dashboard confessional, new found glory etc. and also the dreaded live-journal aka blog aka xanga. though this new pop culture scene isnt bad, i think it ahs been causing alot of the depression problems in the youth today, i think more people should not listen to depressing musicthat ha to do with breaking up and crying, they should isten to music about breaking up and getting drunk. ala the song “beer” by reel big fish. i think this may solve many cases of teen depression and make people like me who are happy with their lives, alot less annoyed by kids with long hair, tight shirts and hats that say john deer.

I think Sen gave you some pretty solid advice.

Also, when you’re depressed be depressed. Don’t put up fronts for other people and just focus on things that make you happy.

whenever i get down, i think about a saying i heard awhile ago - i’m too blessed to be depressed. it always makes me think about how fortunate i am and what people would give to be in my situation.

I think too that pills are not the answer. They may make you feel better, but they dont help you resolve your issues and help overcome your depression. They just repress it.
This maybe true if there is a reason to feel depressed, but if it is clinical depression then there is a chemical in balance in the brain and taking pills maybe the only way to restore it to normal functioning.

I think that depression is become a fad, if you go see someone, it maybe that your just not happy in your current situation, but they will diagnose you as depressed and give you drugs. Life sux sometimes, just get over it.

Also note that some drugs don’t work and cause more harm than good, Britain has had a big scandal over this. A company was selling billions in anti-depressants to children when their own results showed that it did more harm than good, and made some suicidal.

I would always advise use drugs as a last resort, but if you do have a serotonin imbalance they maybe your only hope to return to normal.

One has to appreciate the power of ones own mind, and realize that it is a muscle, like a bicep. You can train your mind to do what you want, it maybe to tolerate physical pain, learn calculus, or make yourself feel better, they all take effort.

If you sit around thinking about things that make you happy, your brain will produce neurotransmitters to make you feel better, sit around thinking of stuff for long enough and you will change your brains functioning.

Just the same as if you sit around dwelling on things for long enough you will make yourself feel miserable, and until you change your frame of mind it will stay that way.

No matter what you end up doing there is no easy fix, even if you go down the drug path it they can take over 6 weeks to have an effect, and then if they don’t work the dr may try another or different dosage, and this may go on for months before they have the desired effect.

Of course months from now things maybe different, your life may pick up and you will feel better, you will claim it’s the drugs and stay on them even though they may have done nothing.

I say put in the effort to make yourself feel better, if you want big biceps, if you want to loose weight, if you want to feel better it is going to take effort on your part. Remember there is always people that are worse off than you, but they have the strength to still be happy, so can you.

Best thing you can do is set some new goals, a new job go back to school, start hanging out do some social activities and just get to know new people. Once you set new goals you will have something to look forward to, just make sure you do all that you can to reach your goal.

I went through a 3 month depression just work and staying in a room all alone not seeing my kids nor any of my family for 3 full months after i separated from my kids mom. I just took those 3 months to think how i was going to adapt to the new change of being single and being a responsible father to 2 children who are what i really strive and live for, everything i do is to make them have a better life and be successfull at what i want to do.

Just one question how old are you?

Pills are not the answer depression is like a drug, if you dont want to change your depressed state no matter what you do you will not get out of it, its like a junkie who likes his drug and gets treatmeant but if he doesnt have his mind straight on his main goal he will commit the same mistakes and keep abusing himself again.

Maybe a pshyciatrist or a friend will help you more than a doctor, just tell him you dont want any pills you just want to someone to talk to that will give you advice.

Good luck and you always have some real kirupian friends tha actually care about fellow members to help ya out, were here for ya buddy just dont quit :thumb:

Don’t listen to me, alcohol works wonders.

Senocular nailed it on the head.

Nice advice sen, real nice advice.

i take prozac. it helps

i was depressed for a couple of months and the doctor tried to prescribe me some pills…but i dont think pills are the answer in a lot of cases…

depression is part of life and for me it came about from some bad stuff in my life that happened quickly. while you say there is nothing obvious causing yours, this may mean that something in your life has gradually been changing and only know are you feeling the resulting low…

while therpay can give you some tools to cope my advice is to talk to family and close friends about your feelings… look at the response here! i mean, we all go through things like this at some point in our lives. it helps just to know you arent alone…

your friends and family know you, unlike a therpaist, and so will probably givr you the best advice on your life, and the most support. when mine happened it made me realise that there are a lot of people who care about me and that in itself helps…

ultimately it is your body and mind, and it is true you can train it to be resilient over time…

man i find if i spend ages inside, not excercising, infront of the computer i feel pretty down!! dont underestimate a good diet and proper sleep patterns to your well being too…

try and be relaxed in the knowledge it will all be cool… you just need to identify the problem and work out what changes you need to make to your life. and you will be happy!

i heard a lot about this site on dubai radio.

hope it helps =) cheer up mate

I don’t really have any advice but I hope you feel better real soon :thumb:

sen gave VERY solid advice… Ive delt with dep for over 4 years (and along time before that without treatment). The meds definitly help, but they are not an answer, just one tool of many. They help get your chemistry back on track (increased seratonin levels) so you feel better about doing the other things that are needed. They also keep you from freaking out about things that really shouldnt stress you out. Sen hit the nail on the head about excerise… for me that is my keystone. If I take my meds and exercise reg everything else just seems to fall into place, even with the meds if I dont excercise, I dont feel ANYWHERE close to when I do. Exercise releases tons of neurotransmitters, and hormones that are essential for good happy and healthy living - and these are chemicals you cant get from anything else.

Let me give you a spot of advice on the meds, as Ive had much experience. Always keep in mind that there are a ton out there that essentially do the same thing only in a slightly differnt way (they are basically all SRI’s: seratonin reuptake inhibitors). I went through 5 different ones before I found the one that worked for me, you have to keep working at it, and understand that each time it is a shot in the dark you cant know ahead of time what will work best. Now let me explain something, when they didnt work, I dont mean that they didnt rebalance my chem, they did - but they had unwanted side effects (tired, restless, odd muscle feelings, etc) you should be able to find one that doesnt feel like you are taking ANYTHING. I didnt like Zolof, Prozac, Celexa, and Paxil but Welbutrin worked great (there are dozens more). Main thing is keep your head high, and keep trying - youll find the right one. Hope this helps a bit.


Everyone, thanks for the great advice. Sen, I’ve taken what you’ve said into careful consideration, and I believe I’m going to start excercising more than I do. I do it, but not a whole lot. Like a mile walk every week or so.

I haven’t talked to my parents about it yet (I’m 18, and going to college down the road), because I’m afraid their going to link it to the fact that my girlfriend and I broke up about a month and a half ago. It’s not that, but it could be. I still see her, we’re still good friends, but maybe that could be doing it to me. Anyway, I’ve talked to my friend who has clinical depression, and he started to offer me the same advice that Sen gave. He also has turrettes syndrome, so there’s often an unforeseen reaction that makes him feel MUCH worse and sometimes even very ill. He’s had to taken several different meds in several different amounts of doses and now he says they think they found the correct dosage that won’t make him freak out.

I’m worried, because that same friend also tried to kill himself a few weeks ago, an hour or two before I was supposed to go hang out with him at his house after I got done with work. Luckily, it wasn’t successful, but it seemed that (call me crazy) there was some form of divine intervention. He hung himself by his belt on his door knob and the last thing he remembers is going unconcious. He came to, and the belt was lying in FRONT of him about 3 or 4 feet. The belt buckle broke off the belt, and thats what saved him.

I’m just worried that I might start thinking that way. I’m worried that unless I stop feeling this way, I’m going to start going down that same path he took.

Everyone, thanks again for all the advice and support, especially Sen. Now if you excuse me, I’m off to go for a jog.

Can your family doctor prescribe the meds? also is there some sort of test they do? I’ve been depressed for years but have come to live with it so long. Sounds like its an easy fix with the right drugs.