I think too that pills are not the answer. They may make you feel better, but they dont help you resolve your issues and help overcome your depression. They just repress it.
This maybe true if there is a reason to feel depressed, but if it is clinical depression then there is a chemical in balance in the brain and taking pills maybe the only way to restore it to normal functioning.
I think that depression is become a fad, if you go see someone, it maybe that your just not happy in your current situation, but they will diagnose you as depressed and give you drugs. Life sux sometimes, just get over it.
Also note that some drugs don’t work and cause more harm than good, Britain has had a big scandal over this. A company was selling billions in anti-depressants to children when their own results showed that it did more harm than good, and made some suicidal.
I would always advise use drugs as a last resort, but if you do have a serotonin imbalance they maybe your only hope to return to normal.
One has to appreciate the power of ones own mind, and realize that it is a muscle, like a bicep. You can train your mind to do what you want, it maybe to tolerate physical pain, learn calculus, or make yourself feel better, they all take effort.
If you sit around thinking about things that make you happy, your brain will produce neurotransmitters to make you feel better, sit around thinking of stuff for long enough and you will change your brains functioning.
Just the same as if you sit around dwelling on things for long enough you will make yourself feel miserable, and until you change your frame of mind it will stay that way.
No matter what you end up doing there is no easy fix, even if you go down the drug path it they can take over 6 weeks to have an effect, and then if they don’t work the dr may try another or different dosage, and this may go on for months before they have the desired effect.
Of course months from now things maybe different, your life may pick up and you will feel better, you will claim it’s the drugs and stay on them even though they may have done nothing.
I say put in the effort to make yourself feel better, if you want big biceps, if you want to loose weight, if you want to feel better it is going to take effort on your part. Remember there is always people that are worse off than you, but they have the strength to still be happy, so can you.