Why is it that almost everyday im in a sad mood and feel like crying. I serious got a problem or somthing, but i dont know why im always sad etc.
Seb not again.
plz Seb c’mon cheer up man.
Try taking anti-depressment thingy’s.
Talk to your parents.
go to the doctors or psychologist.
We dont know, at least i dont…
And yeh come on man dont feel so down, you dont have to!
Even when you have the most terible time of ur life, dont give in!
Try thinking of the al the nice aspects of life!
Just enjoy it as long as you can!
I feel this way too, Some one told me I have to much energy and I need to go out side and releave it, I bet a lot of people who are to stuck the computer have that wave of depression.
u lost ur mod status! lol thats prolly why buddy
Whoa I did miss a lot! Seb was a Mod ahahaha
lol, a mod with an account that looked like seb’s name, for april fools
I guess thats the problem with most of them…I too sometimes feel so low n depressed. I also feel very lonely most of the time though al my friends are around me i donno why… ■■■■ thats the worst feeling ever man!!! I hate it so much…I know exactly what you are going through…I actually cry like a baby when i feel like that…
does anybody here know why is this??
you have to get outside and kill some energy
this will make you feel better.
The best thing I’ve found is to do something that is different from whatever I have been doing lately. Like if I’ve been on the computer a lot, I’ll go do something that is not computer related. Getting out and doing something you like will be good for you.
Do something nice for someone else, or a lot of someones. Making someone else happy can go a long way towards making yourself feel better.
Another thing you can do is talk with a young child. It doesn’t have to be anything in particular, but kids can give a different perspective on just about anything.
If you don’t want to try medication or counseling (they don’t work for some people) you could try self-therapy, as in writing down or typing every thought you have, no matter how insignificant it seems, and when you’ve got it all written or typed, go back and read it as if someone else wrote it, and give a reply to everything you can. Sort of like having a conversation with yourself.
As a last resort, you can always call upon friends and acquaintances.
Whatever you decide to do, I wish you all the best and hope you can cheer up.
you know I have been feeling the same lately and I think its because I am on the cpu alot.
I need to start hangin with friends during the weekends.
Yeah go outside! go basejumping, go partying, get sporty!
Definitly !!
^Same i hardly get out, im always on the pc. But i dont have many friend apart from you guys :love: * infinate
Man I wish I lived near Seb so we can hang.
:love: (-:
Maybe try a local park, see if there are any people doing some kind of activity that looks interesting and ask if you can join? You might be surprised.
thats it im going to play mario
Try some kind of sportclub (or pub :P)and you’ll make friends in notime!