Design Methods: Freehand and Flash

Hi all,

I was just wondering what programs people use to design in flash. I am pretty versed at creating navigation and art in photoshop and dicing it up into tables for html websites, but I was under the impression that vector art is better in Flash.

I assume using vector graphics is better in flash because it takes up less space. What do you use to create the elements of you website? When I see drop shadows and gradients and complex vector art in a Flash site, is it done in freehand or illustrator?

So I guess my real question is how to import these vector files to flash. I have been trying out freehand. In one instance I made a retangluar menu item with rounded edges, a gradient fill and a drop shadow. Mostly using the effects in freehand.

But when I import the free hand file into flash it just shows the base shape and fill color with none of the effects. What am I doing wrong? There is an option to turn it into a movieclip, but that also doesn’t keep those effects elements in place when I import to flash.

What is considered some of the better methods? Are there any good tutorial sites?
