Who else likes the drawing tools in flash?

i can’t get happy with the interface in freehand, i prefer flash, but maybe i just suck ?

I’m a great fan of drawing in Flash. :wink:

haha, i like ur fish thingy! you turning that into an animation??
I also like drawing in flash :rambo: , i dunno how to get smooth curved lines in photoshop :*(

*Originally posted by sonnyz *
**haha, i like ur fish thingy! you turning that into an animation??

yup. currently is just a character portrait for something i’m working on, but i’ll animate it over the next week or so i think…


potatoshop is great for a lot of stuff, and i’ve worked with it for the last few years, but the stuff i’m doing more recently in flash is done a lot better in flash. freehand just feels too overblown for what i want to do with it.

I think that whilst Photoshop has all these great filters and effects and stuff, you can still create some interesting things with Flash. I suppose it all depends on what kind of effect you’re after. I find line art impossible with PS, but great with Flash…

I tried recreating this with Photoshop, but failed abysmally…

yeah, i’ve seen your line art tutorial. would be great if had any skill with a pencil, but i don’t :stuck_out_tongue:

I can´t take it anymore!:crazy:

You are soo good!=)

Great pic!

It’s just practice really. But I’ve found Flash really does help.

like CorelDraw and FreeHand, and used bitmaps softs to aply some effects finishing. But ever since I came across flash those vector based softs are history for me:)

nice pic kit, i did some lineart of some of my frens, they’re not very good though:*(

<a href=“http://www.geocities.com/sonnyzm/2d.html” target="_blank">my crappy line art</a>

those are very good too sonnyz!=)

I wish I could draw like you:(

What are you on about, those <i>are</i> good!

i’ve never been good at line art, might have been not paying any attention in art classes or something like that…

oh yeah, one reason i like flash for drawing is doing cartoony type things like my fishy-bot. similarly the cat on meathook.net which is where some of my stuff will go when i finished actually producing the website…

oh yeah, Sonnyz, that stuff is pretty sweet…

I dont really dig flash vector tools for some reason. I prefer fireworks and sometimes freehand. Does anyoone ever use the freehand pencil tool? I suck so bad with that tool! They should wipe it off the face of the earth.

*Originally posted by 3d-iva *
**I dont really dig flash vector tools for some reason. I prefer fireworks and sometimes freehand. Does anyoone ever use the freehand pencil tool? I suck so bad with that tool! They should wipe it off the face of the earth. **

i just cant get used to Freehand OR Illustrators tools. i usually just draw simple things in flash for testing MC codes. but otherwise i import mostly from PS. i cant get used to fw for some reason. i just cant get my finger on it…

Flash has excellent drawing tools, but I prefer Illustrator for vector art since I’m a Photoshop freak and I’m hard-wired to the Adobe interface.

You all are great artists! Maybe someday I’ll have enough courage to post my stuff C:-)