
tell me what you think of my new design for my design company…

i need an idea for the menu (those images on the right) so any suggestions you got, (flash would be good) let me know.

thanks :slight_smile:

oops :evil:

I think the pics at the right are just a tad too big. If you shrink them up a bit then you will have more room for content.
I like the idea though, looks nice.

yea, I was thinking they were too big. they were originally bigger height. :open_mouth:

lol… well I think the height is fine, just the width is kinda excessive… I dunno though, my design skills suck

cool but the upper pic is kinda blurry and it should have a border too… I think

the upper picture is suppose to be blurry… :trout:

wow, I think it looks great!
(yes, they’re slightly too wide ;))

gah i tried making them thinner, but it makes it nasty. i have to do them allllllllll over again. lol

cant you just crop them?

i did that …i think it looks ok :-p

The top one is kinda… ummmmm… sandy… noisy! How to say… if it was just blur maybe it’d look better