
This guy is a total scammer. When he first came on these forums, I remember him claiming “professional web services and site designs” and whatnot. Since then he’s posted numerous dodgy job offers, usually asking for a pretty advanced site/cms for prices of maybe $100. He doesn’t seem to be capable of doing anything himself, instead he’s pushing it onto Job Offers for ridiculously low prices. He’s just trying to leech off people.

Just now he posted a request for an exact clone of a site, including custom CMS. He wants this done in 7 days for $110. In case you don’t feel like clicking the link, here’s what he posted:

Hi Flash Pros,

I would like you to Clone this website:

For the Price of 110$ Via Paypal

"As you can see, it is flash based. I want an exact clone: from the layout, to the flash itself. I also need to be able to easily edit the links and text.

Most important, I need to be able to upload my own videos and have them be interactive like the videos on the page.

I also need a customer login page that allows customers to login and view their own videos. I need to be able to change this and add new customers and videos.

I also need searches to be able to find the site."

Let me know If you can do this Job in 7 Days.

Kind Regards,

Need I say more ? I don’t want anyone here getting exploited by this guy.