Diagonal Pattern

Yo dudes,

Im trying to make a diagonal patter type effect, I have seen it on many sites and I cant figure out how to make it. I keep trying on Photoshop with define pattern etc. I can do it with horizontal lines but how do I do it with diagonal? Is there a tut or can someone send me a patten or just tell me how to make it?

Thanks :h:

First make a new fil 4/4 pixels.

Then zoom it to the max and draw this with any color you want

At the end hit edit/define patern.
You have your patern now and you can aply it on any object you want and will look like diagonal lines.

right… just zoom in really close to a small image… something like 5x5 or 4x4 pixels…

id define a black diagonal line and a white background… then i just Edit > Fill > Pattern > then select the pattern i just defined… then i use the magic wand tool with the Anti-liasing off to select all the white Background (similar), then either delete it or fill it with a new color… same goes for the black diagonal line…

Sweet thanks.