Hi there! :thumb:
I am working on my base .swf for my website and i was wondering. Is it better loading all the .swf seperatly from different locations or just making it all in one big .swf.
I think the small .swf’s are better but i am not sure. Also should i load my 3 different music tracks from 3 different swf’s because doing it that way i can vary them easier than normal. Just wondering if i am doing my website a bad way.
It is better to load them all in smaller chunks when they are needed. That way your viewer is stuck downloading this gigantic file when they really won’t even look at all of the content. Loaded them in when they are needed spares the viewer having to download any content they will not view anyway.
One thing though my sound’s are loading from external .swf files in a on release load movieclip into .sound0. (empty movieclip) but they keep repeating over and over. I’ll give the action script
on (release) {
on the sound 1 it’s a 1fps and at the end it has go to and play keyframe 1 (so the sound loops)
I dont get why it starts and then 2 secs later it starts and then keeps overlapping till theres about 20 of the same sounds playing at diff times.
The external movie takes on the properties of the movie you load it into, so it’s FPS rate becomes the FPS rate of the man movie that you loaded into.
So it sounds to me like your timing is off and it keeps looping around and playing your sound over and over before it ever finished the first time.
when i preview my sound .swf it’s fine though and doesnt have the loop round issue. I am thinking it is’nt using the
1 frame per second
instead it’s using the main .swf’s fps which is
12 frame’s per second?
Think that could be the problem?
**** i’m good thats was the problem :thumb: i cant believe how much i am learning every day about flash while doing my website i am loving it. I will upload it now so you can take a look the address is.
Try it after about 5 mins
and tell me what you think. No content yet :).