I have a few swf which load into a main movie. I want to use a sound (about 1,5 minutes speech) related to each of the external swf movies (if I have 3 swf, then 3 differend sound clip).
The question is: is that better to include the sound in each swf itself and load the swf WITH sound or loading each swf and then playing the relating sound in the main movie?
I wrote 1,5 minutes not 5.
I think it’s maybe better to load all sounds first. In the other way it may take some time to load the swf and this can affect the whole impression.
In this way one can play the sound when the relating swf is loaded.
My question: is the sound in this way synchronized? Any experience with this issue?
An example is here: http://magma.nationalgeographic.com/ngm/0407/sights_n_sounds/media2.html
Yes, 1,5 = 1.5
But anyway, what do you mean by “dedicated server for streaming…(flashcomm, etc.)”?
Could you please explain a little more this issue?
Do I need other than publishing a flash movie from a “ordinary server” ?
Some of it depends on length of the sound and if your using timeline sounds or sound objects, as sound objects export on frame one. Meaning, if you have a large sound exporting on frame one, it will load before your preloader. I would place the sounds into the swf’s either way.
You might want to check the tutorial in my sig for more into.
You can stream sound without a special server, if all you need is simple streaming sound. “Streaming”, however, has several denotations. I suspect you don’t need anything special.