Hi. I have create a 3d @ symbol in swift. It will be a simple element that will be added to my contact page. When importing the swift file. I made sure I created a movie clip fist and then pasted the swift file into that. This allowing me to move the 3d @ symbol anywhere with ease.
However I require this to load at a desired time. not a problem.
But I require the movie to loop, ok still not a problem as I can simply add a goto(2); comman in the last keyframe.
But my problem is I require this 3d object to fade in gradually, whilst spinning, but only one time. I have tried to be clever and place some duplicate keyframes, being an addition and placing an object over the top to fade, however this causes problems with the template design I made. Can anyone think of a script that could fade in the object, but only happen once, rather than repeating. otherwise it sux.
Hi Syko, I tried that and could not get it to work, is it possible for you to quickly come up with an fla demonstrating this, as I aint having too much luck.
Hi Claudio, just a quick question. How come I had to keep the movie clip named as myMovieClip and not 3dSymbol, despite changing all its properties? I mean this is not a big deal but it would be interesting to know exactly why that is?
the error message I get when changing the name is as followed:
and the instance name was also changed to 3dSymbol?
its no big deal if you dont reply, but its good to know in future, and I thank you if you do reply in advance. saves receiving a second email right :). cheers
In actual fact the effect is not working. my problem is that as one movie finishes it plays the “myMovieClip”. although I refer to it as
So it bypasses the effect you provided me. I tried using this action script inside the movie but still this does not work. Do you have an alternative solution for this madness. I would you prefer me to send this file to you via email rather than post it here on the forum?
ahh, but there is a stop action, preventing the movie clip running. If I place it at frame one, I still have the problem and the fade effect does not take place at all. Any other ideas. if I were to copy the file mc, it works no problem, but because of my set up it does not work. The file is a movie clip within a directory. so when I tell the end of a keyframe to play this particular file upon end. it jumps to the movie clip itself outside the main timeline, thus avoiding the action script.
what you are telling me works great, except the movie clip is playing before i ask it to due to no stop command. maybe there is a way we can tell the movie not to play until movie clip loaded, mmm not sure, any ideas here, but your file works perfectly its just the 3d object is moving before i want it to be even visible.
Expand ? I suppose you mean explain. And if not, here’s the explanation anyway
Ok, so I have a movieclip with the instance name myMovieclip on the main timeline of the external swf. Inside that movieclip, at the first frame, there is a stop action, because you didn’t want it to start playing automatically since it is called from another swf.
It should call using _root.container[“myMovieClip”].gotoAndStop(2) (in which container is a movieclip on the main timeline of the swf that calls this one, and in which this one is loaded), because there is no stop action at the second frame. Although I don’t see why it’s _root[“myMovieClip”], it can be _root.container.myMovieClip too.
So, the mc goes to frame 2 and stops there. It will play the movieclip in frame 2, in which the animation is. So I suppose it should work =) I’m not sure if my paths are corrects since I’m doing this all from my head.