Ok, i’m super tired and may just realize the solution to this after some sleep, but right now…
ok, so i’ve got 3 boxes made in Swift. 1) a static image of the box. 2) an animation of it rotating down and 3) an animation of it rotating up. i’ve exported them all into flashMX and each one is a MC. sounds good right? here’s my problem. i want to have it designed so that the static clip of the box is there. when a user rolls onto it, animation/MC #2 plays. when the user rolls off the box, animatin/MC #3 plays. simple enough, yet i’m not able to figure it out right now i know i could make the static box and the 2 animations into one in swift then export it and edit frame by frame in MX, but that’s not fun. Any suggestions?
In your button instance, on your UP frame, have MC#1. Give instance names to the other two (MC#1, MC#2, Hasbro, what have you). Make sure they are on the stage where you want the animation to happen. Put stop(); instances in the first keyframes (make sure they’re blank keyframes!) of each so they don’t go when you play the movie. You will need to put stop();s at the end too so they don’t loop over and over. Then this on your button’s actions:
Hope this helps!!
I’m not exactly sure I got the jist of what you’re saying, but I’m trying to avoid using button states. I guess what I’m trying to do is have the MC as the button… ? I don’t know anymore…
I know in MX, MovieClips can have on(press) handlers, but I don’t know if you can do rollOver things with them. I would just use buttons. Buttons do not need to have a function behind them, I think they are more versitle if you are making a rollOver.
I’ll have to try the rollOver/rollOut with a MovieClip to see if it works. Then I will return.