Diffuclties with preloader - last thing before website completion -.-

Hello there,

First post on this forum, have been using flash alot more recently but could use some help with actionscript at times because I have no programming history.

Had to create a portfolio for school, and seeing as I wanted to develop myself in flash some more, I tried to create a full flash one. Everything went ok, except for the preloader.
Bear in mind that this is my first website in flash ever, so don’t be too hard on me :stuck_out_tongue:

I have made a preloader in a seperate fla file from the main website, as I like to keep them seperated. The preloader swf just features an animation that I want to keep looping untill the website swf is loaded, then move on to the website swf.
No messing around with loading bars, just want to play a movieclip animation…
Take a look in the attachment to get a better idea of what I mean (only features the preloader because the website fla is too big :frowning: , but loading into and example swf should be fine aswell…)

I have searched this forum and google for a solution, but all those scipts feature overcomplicated code which I can’t get working.

I would appreaciate it if someone could help me with this.
Thanks in advance.