checking out macromedia for some updates to director 8.5 where i see that a download for Director Mx is available to download, i didnt even know it was coming out!!
Ive got the trial , and i must say that the macromedia interfaces really rock, they are so neat and easy to use. Love the docking options, and will be great in director , because this program can get messy really quickly.
Tell me what you guys think if you download the trial or have the full version.
its a great program, you have to know a bit of lingo though,
what it is used for is shockwave authorising,
you can also create kiosk, dvd authorising (mx version) , cd presentation menus , you can add video (quicktime, avi) and control video with lingo code.
you can have sound, you can create a website if you want, you can use flash swf, 3d shockwave availablity.
so you can create a interface in flash , and use it to bring up 3d objects , like a room or somthing. so many things you can do.
For instances, you have a score (timline) where you have 4 different sections (markers) . and you have 4 buttons to move to each marker,
button 1
go to the marker section1
go to the marker section2
with a simple code like that you can go to the marker,
then if you want the movie to stop in the spot ,
go to the frame
so even the most simplest of things have code,
dnt forget that even the butttons have code to change cursor to point when on mouse over and then you have to change the mouse pointer back to default when roll off.